To experience the state of ‘joy in the heart,’ I work with my method as well as the one of Total Yoga Nidra.
Every second Wednesday of the month, at 6:30 PM meet me in Parc des Eaux-Vives or at the neighborhood space at 46 Rue de Montchoisy, we focus on relaxation and replenishment.
The practice of Yoga Nidra helps to maintain the waking state of the two. Settle into Savasana, close your eyes and listen to the voice. Nous nous retrouvons pour méditer et explorer la frontière entre le veille et le sommeil.
No prerequisite. The class suits everyone.
By conscious donation, suggested price between 20 -25 CHF and CHF 30 for classes longer then 90 min.
First class is offered.
Osez pratiquer et testez ce type de relaxation méditative, appelé aussi IRest ou Yoga of sleep ou encore, en français, le sommeil conscient.
L’enseignement de Yoga Nidra fut originalement pratiqué pour améliorer la santé physique et vider l’esprit afin de préparer à la méditation dans la recherche de l’éveil. Today, it brings enrichment in understanding and in opening the mind.
The class usually starts with some stretching and some yoga postures to get a good feel for your body.
Thereafter, you will remain to lie down on the mat or other flat support, stretched out comfortably for a trip of about 30 minutes.
Veuillez amener : un tapis de yoga, vêtements confortables et chaudes et deux couvertures plus votre petit cousin